Great report as always................hugely appreciated.

Perfectly fleshed out the details from the nerve-wracking basics i had
received via livescore on the bus from HK airport into the city.

On Sun, Dec 6, 2015 at 4:17 AM, <> wrote:

> Wow - we were not expecting that result. Pre match I had said to a mate in
> the   pub that even if, by some miracle we won today, and we agreed it
> would take a minor miracle, that it would not mean anything and all our
> problems , on and off the pitch would remain. Having said that we won and
> it was great. The first victory my son has seen this season (he missed
> Cardiff)  and overall we deserved it and  we LOVED it.
> Yes, we lived dangerously at times and they missed a sitter (from a Snoddy
> cross) at the end that would have gained them a point, but from start to
> finish we gave it everything and all the players gave it their best, and,
> all things considered that is all we can ask for.
> In the  pub (and we were there very early so bear that in mind) I did say
> I would like to see both Adeyemi and Bridcutt in front of the back four
> with Wood up top on his own supported by Cook, Mowatt and Dallas  (OK i
> wanted Byram in place of Wooton from the start) so when we took our places
> I had to admit that if it did not work I had no suggestions to make things
> better given that it was the team I wanted.
> From the off,and for the full 90 really, Hull showed how much better than
> us they are, and showed us how much we need to improve to get to that
> level. Luckily for us football is not just about being the better players
> etc, and today the strong blustery wind made it hard for both teams. They
> passed it around and cut us apart a few times, either the wind , a poor
> final ball or the attacker not quite being there meant that we had a few
> narrow escapes as the ball flashed across our 6 yard box with no-one
> getting the needed touch.
> We had a couple of good moves of our own and this game was won in a
> 15minute spell just before half time. a brilliant through ball by Cook,
> showing why he is such a good prospect, fed Dallas who had to run onto it
> and he put a great cross in that Wood met well and hammered home. A great
> goal (similar to Huddersfield with Antenuccis goal) I had tried to defend
> Wood pre game but his overall play in recent games makes that hard. Today
> he took his goal well and was a threat throughout and held the ball up and
> won his flick-ons. There is still hope for him despite some fans being on
> his back. Then a moment that we thought would be the defining one but in
> the end counted for nothing - Mowatt won the ball and fired a shot that
> their keeper just stood and watched, unlike Cardiff and Hudds this one hit
> the woodwork and bounced to safety. Oh how we could have done with a second
> we thought. Then a corner was played, in a practised move, to Cook at the
> edge of the box and his shot was parried straight to Adeyemi who slotted
> home - 2 up at time. Off to rapturous , if slightly disbelieving applause.
> The off for 17 on 17 protest had been a real damp squib with only a dozen
> or so fans leaving their seats - pointless waste of time (when they
> returned there was some argy bargy with the stewards) If we are going to
> protest things it needs to be better organised and better supported than
> this
> Second half we started and stayed on the back foot and when they got one
> back after only 10minutes we feared the worse (I predicted 2 -4 at that
> stage) but we stuck to our task. Bridcutt looking like the real deal (he is
> very small - same height as Cook) and made Evans prediction of him ' being
> the best midfielder in the Division' a genuine  belief rather than total
> hyperbole.
> They had a couple of chances that Silvestri saved well - he really is a
> good shot stopper but needs to command his area much much better- and
> Cooper and Bellusci put in last ditch tackles to save the points. We
> continued to threaten a bit, albeit on the back foot, and Adeyemi had a
> chance to wrap it all up  but basically bottled it when put through.
> Murphy, Byram and Doukara all came on, mainly to waste time (Silvestri got
> booked for taking too long) as we watched the clock tick down slower and
> slower. Snoddy came on for them to good applause an put in one cross that
> should have brought the equaliser but the Hull player headed wide and we
> breathed again.
> The final whistle was met with cheers of delight, relief and disbelief.
> The whole ground rising to greet our heroes.
> Yes they are better than us but we won and that is all that counts tonight
> - a hard fought and hard won but deserved victory, one that papers over the
> cracks but who cares, let us all enjoy tonight
> 11 heroes out there today (plus the subs)  - especially pleased to see
> Wood have a good game and get a goal and Bridcutt was probably our MOM but
> they all gave it everything and they (and we) got the rewards today. Great
> stuff
> Dave
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