Dave wrote:

> ....fans saw us pass the ball around a bit but have no shots or chances
> worthy of the name.

And the Doctor wrote:
An awful match. Nothing positive to say.
If Cellimo was here, our coach would be sacked.
A truly abysmal game followimg a lousy one on Saturday

Sorry but I've got to disagree slightly Dave - I usually agree fully with
your reports but what about Wood's one-on-one miss?  And his "goal" was
apparently on-side. Plus Aylings shot that went just wide and Dallas'
shot/pass that got deflected at the death, just to go agonisingly past the
reach of Wood.
For a nil-nil, I thought it was a pretty good game - both teams could have
pinched it and after the first 20 minutes (where we didn't get a look in)
we seemed to play okay - I thought we looked pretty dangerous on the
attack.  Siaz was everywhere, Alionski gave them trouble and Shaunesseey
looked pretty assured for a newbie - his latch ditch tackle at the end was
a match winning tackle.
If we play with that tempo against most teams in this division, we'll beat

As for the Doctor's comments, WTF?  Were you watching the same game as us?

Ted H
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