I got called “horrible” by a friend of a friend after I said that Gordon Watson 
deserved the serious leg break he suffered because of that dive

Sent from my iPhone

> On 28 Nov 2018, at 18:22, Richard Walker via Leedslist <leedslist@gn.apc.org> 
> wrote:
> This was worse than Gordon Watson - remember that c&£t
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 28 Nov 2018, at 17:40, Nicholas Armit via Leedslist 
>> <leedslist@gn.apc.org> wrote:
>> I wonder how many would be complaining if Alioski had won a penalty and we 
>> had gone on to win 1-0....
>>   On Wednesday, November 28, 2018, 6:23:54 AM EST, John Lee via Leedslist 
>> <leedslist@gn.apc.org> wrote:  
>> Good result, but plenty of food for thought. Yes, Saiz and Clarke gave us 
>> far more creativity, but we seemed to lose our shape more often with their 
>> introduction, with the result that a pretty average team could easily have 
>> nicked points from us. 
>> Alioski - like others, I think he’s lightweight, a cheat and often under 
>> produces, BUT the way the ball pings about on the left with him, Douglas etc 
>> is impressive. Of course if Alioski gets to deliver the final ball it’s 
>> usually over hit or a crap grubber. His dive was really pathetic.
>> Baker - I didn’t really see him do anything of note, but we did lose our 
>> shape once he wasn’t there, so maybe he was of more use than it first 
>> appears?
>> BPF - one of the best penalty saves I’ve seen - he had a very solid game, 
>> and saved 2 points, as I doubt we’d have scored again if the penalty had 
>> gone in.
>> Up front we were unlucky not to nick a second, but imagine if we had a Jamie 
>> Vardy up there - we need some quality up front desperately. The Sky 
>> commentator was wittering on about how Roofe knew he could make it at 
>> Championship level - well that in itself is contentious, but he’s peaked and 
>> unless Bamford is a revelation we need to address this in January. 
>> Crowd noise - seemed like Highbury at times on tv - maybe Sky turned the 
>> volume down. It seemed louder late on though.
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On 28 Nov 2018, at 10:10, Matt Anderson <m...@leeds-united.net> wrote:
>>> You have to give Reading a bit of credit. 3 changes and a might as well 
>>> lose 2-0 as 1-0
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 28 Nov 2018, at 09:56, Scott1cairns1 <scott1cair...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Can someone explain to me  why when we had our opponents, after the goal 
>>>> on the ropes and clearly ‘punchy’ we didn’t finish them off or even try to 
>>>> finish them off. Content to push and nurdle the ball square or backwards 
>>>> too many years I’ve been watching Leeds defend precarious advantage. If we 
>>>> were under pressure the whole game and scored again the ROP I could 
>>>> understand. I thought we had turned the corner. So disappointed. 
>>>> Best regards,Scott. 
>>>>> On 28 Nov 2018, at 08:24, Nick Allen <n...@6haroldplace.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>> Agree Dave, oddly thought we looked knackered after 75 minutes.
>>>>>> On 28 Nov 2018, at 07:36, "nat...@sky.com" <nat...@sky.com> wrote:
>>>>>> A lot of similarities between this game and Bristol on Saturday - both 
>>>>>> had instantly forgettable first halves, followed by much better second 
>>>>>> half performances by us and both 3 points and clean sheetsReading was 
>>>>>> both a game of two halves and a game of two subs - the introduction of 
>>>>>> Siaz and Clarke really turning this game from a turgid bore fest into a 
>>>>>> sparkling night of entertaiment (bit of hyperbole there but not too much)
>>>>>> We got inside the ground just in time to hear a real cheer and an 'oooo' 
>>>>>> from the crowd - I was told Douglas , not for the first time, had missed 
>>>>>> with an easy header. Had that gone in it may have been a different game, 
>>>>>> as it was Reading for the most part parked the bus and had all 11 man 
>>>>>> back defending for most of the time with the odd worrying foray into our 
>>>>>> area where they only created a few half chances
>>>>>> For us, Phillips was a make shift centre half - he did well enough but 
>>>>>> we did miss some of his passing further up the pitch, and Baker after a 
>>>>>> good 5 minute cameo on Saturday showed why he has barely had a game this 
>>>>>> season as he really struggled to make any impact
>>>>>> Alioski with whom lots of fans are losing patience was also anonymous 
>>>>>> and his most memorable moment was his attempt to change the 55 (or 
>>>>>> whatever it is now) games without a penalty with a dive that was so 
>>>>>> obvious we could tell from the Revie Stand and the ref quite rightly 
>>>>>> booked him
>>>>>> Bielsa knew things were not right and sent on the mercurial wizard Samu 
>>>>>> Saiz, I love watching him play, and Jack Clarke a player with immense 
>>>>>> potential, and it almost paid dividends in seconds as Clarke beat his 
>>>>>> man and put a lovely ball across to Samu whose shot was going to ripple 
>>>>>> in the back of the net but got deflected wide instead
>>>>>> With these two on the pitch we looked a totally different team and 
>>>>>> uppped both our passion and work rate as Saiz pulled the strings and 
>>>>>> Clarke had the beating of the full back
>>>>>> We had a few chances and then a lovely cross field pass came out to the 
>>>>>> left where Douglas and Pablo combined - Pablo with a great cheeky back 
>>>>>> heel and then Douglas' cross was met by Roofe who could not quite bundle 
>>>>>> it in, but the ball rebounded off the keeper to Dallas who poked home 
>>>>>> from a few yards out 1-0 and game over (we hoped)
>>>>>> We could have had a second when Roofe did everything right with his 
>>>>>> downwards header back across the keeper but the keeper made a top class 
>>>>>> save - real quality
>>>>>> We huffed and puffed a bit after that but never looked like getting the 
>>>>>> second that would ahve put it to bed, instead a rare attack from Reading 
>>>>>> and as the winger tried to get his cross in Douglas tangled with him - 
>>>>>> the ref of course pointed to the spot - a silly place and an awful time 
>>>>>> to give away a penalty
>>>>>> However BPF restored to the line up after injury (and sort of being 
>>>>>> dropped) made a great save low to his right and tipped it round the post 
>>>>>> - tremendous save from a keeper under pressure, who to be fair had a 
>>>>>> good night. He showed he is good enough at this level but needs to cut 
>>>>>> out the mistakes. Some have said he has cost us points this season, well 
>>>>>> he saved us 2 last night
>>>>>> A real headache going forward for Bielsa now - Saiz and Clarke both 
>>>>>> showed what we are lacking at times with guile from one and directness 
>>>>>> from the other, and both need to get more time on the pitch
>>>>>> So happy enough - not great performances but two home wins in 4 days - 
>>>>>> something we have failed to do in the past against two lower table teams
>>>>>> Points dropped by Norwich and Boro added to my satisfaction on the night 
>>>>>> - onwards and upwards
>>>>>> Dave
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>> RIP Jimmy WAC-COE
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>> RIP Jimmy WAC-COE
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