Rich said "Interesting team selection dilemma for Sunday. Nice to have but you 
surely can't ignore Bamford"
I am pretty sure Rodrigo will start and his recent performances and goal 
scoring means he deserves it, but Paddy is certainly looking good.Jesse also 
needs to work out if Sinisterra should start,  is he fit and sharp enough? Also 
Rutter , what does he do with him ? Assume bring him off the bench but at €40m 
he should be first name on the team sheet once he gets up to speed. The one 
whose place should be up for discussion is Aaronson , his recent displays have 
not been good but he is a Jesse favourite  and looked very good in his first 
few matches 

Most of all he needs to work out the best back four, Wober played CH last night 
rather than as the left back we bought him to be, can we rely on Firpo as left 
back? Ayling was massively at fault for their goal , so does Rasmus get the nod 
ahead of him. Then with cooper struggling who plays alongside Koch
It may be overdoing it to say this game will determine Jesse's future , but if 
he wants to keep the job he needs to get it right. A defeat will make his 
position very shaky indeed and the crowd will turn, of the 4 of us there last 
night, 2 want him gone, me and another are hoping it will come right but are 
worried and not far off joining the  'out camp'. A win at least gives him 
breathing space and may provide a platform for the upcoming games 
Looking at highlights from last night all 5 of our goals were excellent   Paddy 
just look so comfortable and composed for his two 
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Dave Dowden, a legend, a Totty Twin, a pie man! R.I.P.

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