" f off home and shag your sheep" chanted leeds fans at the end ( i make no 
comment re Yorkshire sheep shaggers ) and it made us laugh but at one point 
this song could easily have been booing the team off .
After 2 boring and pretty awful years in the Prem, this was a return to the 
championship and the madness that goes with it.
Pre game we all agreed that no predictions about the season coukd realistically 
be made till the window is shut, and  i stick with that view. Keep Summerville, 
 Sinisterra and Gnonto and add a good goalscorer/ no 9 and we can walk this 
league , lose those 3 and don't add to the squad and things will be tough.
Oversall we were streets ahead of cardiff as Ampadu and Gray bossed the 
midfield and the 3 lads up front tore holes through their defence.  This game 
could have been 3 or 4 nil and not flattered us.
However all our failings came back and it made even a point look dodgy for a 
long period.
We gave away 2 really soft goals, Hjelde proved he is not a left back and 
Ayling,  much as i love him, showed he is finished,  as we let them have the 
freedom of our last third of the pitch and our penalty area, so we were 
suddenly 2 down,  having nearly scored the goal of the season when Gnonto fired 
just over.
The good news,  Byram looked the part especially going forward , and we kept 
going right till the end and looked the fitter of the 2 teams 
So all in all 2 pts dropped or a point gained , take your pick, but it was fun. 
It was great to see a leeds team, once again,  wanting to keep the ball and 
pass it around and then the attacking flair of GSS up top was brilliant to 
We will play much worse and win this season. 
Get a goal scorer and we will be fine if we can keep these players
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Dave Dowden, a legend, a Totty Twin, a pie man! R.I.P.

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