The Stick Together Show
National community radio's weekly program of industrial, social & workplace
justice issues.

Heard on 3CR Community Radio (855AM) this week:

Friday 29/9/2000 at 8.30am
Saturday 30/9/2000 at 10.30am
Monday 2/10/00 at 6.00am


Public funding to private education:

As the Senate Inquiry continues into the issue of Federal funding of
private schools in Australia, public outrage grows at a Federal Government
proposal to increase public funding to elite private schools in Australia
by $50 million, bringing funding of private education to around 65% of the
total Federal schools budget. Mary Bluett (State President, AEU) explains
to 3CR's Nola Brooks what this would mean for public education in Australia.

New Indonesian unions critique new labour laws:

Romawaty Sinaga is the leader of a new trade union in Indonesia which aims
to represent workers within the manufacturing sector, many of whom have not
been unionised before. The passing of new, more lenient labour laws which
allow for the establishment of trade unions in a country where free and
independent unions have in the past been outlawed has been hailed by many
as a great victory for workers. But, says Romawaty during a recent visit to
Australia, there are still many limitations to the operation and freedom of
unions under the new laws. Her visit was courtesy of Action for Solidarity
with Indonesia & East Timor (ASIET).

S26 in Prague & Melbourne:

Workers and unions this week join hundreds of thousands of environmental
and community activists around the world in the next phase of the global
fight against exploitation and corporate tyranny. From September 26-28, the
World Bank & the International Monetary Fund are meeting in Prague and to
greet them will be protesters from around the world, following in the
tradition established by actions in Washington, Seattle, Davos & Melbourne.
The Czech Republic is making its own preparations to handle protest at this
meeting, as we hear from Pauline Mitchell (Campaign for International
Cooperation and Disarmament). She's speaking with Nola Brooks.

Plus, coverage of the Melbourne rally in solidarity with s26 & against
Bracks government's role in s11.

The Stick Together Show is produced at the studios of 3CR, with the
financial assistance of the Community Broadcasting Foundation.

For information/with suggestions or to purchase tapes of the program, contact:
Meredith Butler [Producer]
phone - (03) 9419 8377    fax - (03) 9417 2247
please mark:"attention: stick together show"]
post - STG, c/o 3CR, PO Box 1277, Collingwood 3066.

Where you can hear the show...Melbourne, on 3CR 855am, Friday at 8.30am,
Saturday at 10.30am, repeated Monday at 6am ... Gippsland, on 3GCR,
Thursdays at 11.30am ... Canberra, on 2XX, Tuesdays at 6pm ... Katoomba, on
2BLU, Wednesdays at 5.30pm ... Omeo, on 3HCR, Tuesdays at 6pm ....
Adelaide, on 5UV, Wednesdays at 2pm ... Sydney, on 2SER, Wednesdays at 8pm
... Brisbane, on 4ZZZ, Thursdays at 2.30pm ... Bundaberg, on 4BCR,
Thursdays at 10.30am ... Woomera, on 5RRR ... Perth, on 6RTR ... Alice
Springs, on 8CCC


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