The last activity the Friends group has planned for year 2000,
is a Bike Ride starting from Rushall Station (Melways ref: 30D11)
at 2.00pm on Sunday 10 December.
This will be an easy ride alongside the Merri Creek and Yarra
River, going to Dights Falls and Kanes Bridge.
Bring helmet, a drink and sunscreen.
For further information contact Paul Prentice on 9489 5062.

The Merri Creek runs from the north of Melbourne to join the
Yarra River at Collingwood.
Friends of Merri Creek is a community group which works to preserve
and restore the natural beauty of this waterway.
On Sunday 12 March there will be a litter group working bee near the
St Georges Rd bridge in Fitzroy North from 10.00am

For further information contact Friends of Merri Creek
PO Box 7
Victoria 3070


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