Hello Everyone.
My intent is and always has been , to get the most out of the Legacy Ornamental 
millI find it funny that the term Ornamental is such a huge field to study. 
Holtzapffel's lathe, and the Rose Engine lathe along with many other OT 
machines... all have there own versions of what is Ornamental turning.I think 
the Legacy can do more... In many ways the Legacy has some huge advantages over 
other machines that do O.T. work, but having said that, the Dis-advantages are 
also present.  Which makes it, a lot of fun.  I mean, "How" can I do the same 
things,Differently?   ;-)
Joe I agree with you the pumping action is a very neat concept. and I think it 
can  be used on the Legacy? (but not in the same way the Rose lathe uses  
it.)NEAT STUFF, Concepts that make my brain hurt at times. and keeps me up at 
night. What possibility's... we have! 
More latter.Have a good night,  All.C.A.G. 

    On Monday, February 12, 2018 11:57 AM, 'joe biunno' via Legacy Ornamental 
Mills <legacy-ornamental-mills@googlegroups.com> wrote:

 I am starting a dedicated topic to this subject because this has the potential 
to get very interesting as well as challenging, but it was inspired by curt's 
find of a video on you tube of the rose engine lathe... that video is one of a 
series of videos, dedicated to the rose engine lathe... and from my 
perspective, a rose lathe is a high end ornamental lathe but working under very 
close tolerances... certainly the tolerances are greater than what we would 
work with when working with different wood species... but it is my 
understanding that the rose lathe was used quite often in the watch industry, 
thus the need for close tolerances...getting back to the video, it shows a 
pumping action of the headstock on the "Y" axis, which is typical on a rose 
lathe, as well as a pumping action on the "X" axis... the person who made the 
videos, steve white, is obviously very much into doing mods on his lathes...and 
what he has come up with is certainly very interesting, complex and just "off 
the charts", as the saying goes...with variations and adjustments that would 
seem endless... whether this type of pumping movement could be incorporated 
into a legacy machine or not, is an interesting prospect... could it be done on 
a legacy within the tolerances necessary to make it workable on a wooden 
piece?...again, not sure... but worth a discussion here and possible 
consideration... and certainly impressive is the "wave" set up that a number of 
members to this group have set up on their legacy... but this pumping action 
puts things on an entirely different level...and then comes the question, could 
it be done somewhat cost effective?... or is it better to try to find a rose 
engine lathe?...and what would that cost!... and how far does anyone want to 
take their legacy to try to achieve "holtzapffel" status?, if that is even 
possible...but even a holtzapffel did not have a pumping action in the 
headstock, I believe(I might have to take a mulligan on that 
statement!...LOL!)... anyway, if you are into this topic, I suggest you look at 
steve white's series of videos(there seems to be at least 30 videos!) on the 
mods he did to his rose lathe...very interesting videos...joe b.-- 
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