Interesting processes, guys.  And the results speak for themselves.  Really 
nice. I'm not ready to move into bone just yet, but I was piqued.....

On Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 6:32:50 AM UTC-4 wrote:

> thanks Bill,
> I thought it gave it some character at least. 
> Kind Regards,
> Timothy J. Ziegler
> Ziegler WoodWork & Specialty
> 14171 160th Ave.
> Foreston MN 56330
> 320-294-5798 <(320)%20294-5798> shop
> 320-630-2243 <(320)%20630-2243> cell
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 12:04 AM <> wrote:
>> I do like how you stacked the bone to get a striped pattern Tim
>> Bill
>> *From:* <> 
>> *On Behalf Of *Tim Ziegler
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, 12 July 2022 11:59 AM
>> *To:* LOM Group <>
>> *Subject:* Re: New Bone turning
>> Hey Dan,
>> Not sure if you saw my bone turning a while ago, but after Curt taught me 
>> his process, I come up with a 
>> little different process to keep the discs flat, takes a bit longer but 
>> they are gap free. 
>> I have additional bones ready to cut but have not started making the 
>> discs yet.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Timothy J. Ziegler
>> Ziegler WoodWork & Specialty
>> 14171 160th Ave.
>> Foreston MN 56330
>> 320-294-5798 <(320)%20294-5798> shop
>> 320-630-2243 <(320)%20630-2243> cell
>> On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 7:09 PM 'Curt George' via Legacy Ornamental Mills 
>> <> wrote:
>> Thanks Tim.
>> Dan working with bone is not all that hard. but it dose take a little 
>> persistence to take a bone, which is hollow, and the edges/walls of the 
>> bone are not uniformed in thickness, and making into something useable that 
>> can be turned on the Legacy.
>> If you think of bone like wood, there is a lot of work that is needed in 
>> order to take a tree and make it into a board. things that need to be known 
>> like when the wood is Green and how it will handle when it is dried.
>> Green bone can not be worked, due to its greasy/oily make up. It needs to 
>> be cleaned, dried, and died/ whitened before you can start cutting.  
>> Tim's butcher shop is cheaper way to go, but time is money, and it may 
>> not be the best way to go when you want to make something. 
>> I use "Red Barn" Natural's (un-filled) for my bone that I turn. (sold in 
>> pet food stores.)  These bones are dried and already whitened, All that I 
>> need to do is Cut, and glue. then turn.
>> Now that may be over simplifying the process. But in a nut shell that's 
>> it. 
>> If you want to know more, On all the process.  I can walk you through ALL 
>> the steps, from 1-100 or the quicker method.   there are no secrets here, 
>> Just hopes that everyone can learn for each-other.  I am offering to share 
>> the process that I know, and perhaps one day someone out there will find a 
>> better method?
>> Have a good night.
>> C.A.G. 
>> On Monday, July 11, 2022 at 06:47:03 AM EDT, Tim Ziegler <
>>> wrote: 
>> Hey Dan I get mine from our local Grocery market. They have a butcher 
>> there. 
>> We have to do the drying and cleaning here, plus it gets a little 
>> expensive. but it's a lot of fun like Curt indicates. 
>> Kind Regards,
>> Timothy J. Ziegler
>> Ziegler WoodWork & Specialty
>> 14171 160th Ave.
>> Foreston MN 56330
>> 320-294-5798 <(320)%20294-5798> shop
>> 320-630-2243 <(320)%20630-2243> cell
>> On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 5:30 AM Dan Krager <> wrote:
>> Wow.  That is stunning.  Do you have sources that butcher?  Inquiring 
>> minds want to know where one gets bone material like that?  Not in my near 
>> future, but curious.
>> DanK
>> On Monday, July 11, 2022 at 2:40:37 AM UTC-4 aussiman wrote:
>> Beautiful Curt beautiful nicest one yet love the finished white color 
>> Bill
>> *From:* 'Curt George' via Legacy Ornamental Mills <
>> *Sent:* Monday, 11 July 2022 1:37 PM
>> *To:* Legacy Ornamental Mills <>
>> *Subject:* Re: New Bone turning
>> Hello everyone.
>> Got some time to  finish my 6 start bone looking glass today.
>> Here are some photo's.
>> C.A.G.
>> On Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 10:49:01 PM UTC-4 aussiman wrote:
>> Nice patterns Tim, not quite a brick pattern but real close I still like 
>> it it’s the TZ pattern lol
>> Bill
>> *From:* <> 
>> *On Behalf Of *Tim Ziegler
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, 6 July 2022 10:14 AM
>> *To:* LOM Group <>
>> *Subject:* Re: New Bone turning
>> Well this looks pretty close to the pen?
>> Mine is not clean but it sure worked out like it should have. 
>> We probably should have done a new subject?
>> l
>> Kind Regards,
>> Timothy J. Ziegler
>> Ziegler WoodWork & Specialty
>> 14171 160th Ave.
>> Foreston MN 56330
>> 320-294-5798 <(320)%20294-5798> shop
>> 320-630-2243 <(320)%20630-2243> cell
>> On Tue, Jul 5, 2022 at 1:54 PM <> wrote:
>> Cant wait to see what you get curt 
>> Bill
>> *From:* 'Curt George' via Legacy Ornamental Mills <
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, 5 July 2022 10:37 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: New Bone turning
>> Yes Tim, the idea is the use the X axis to make the cut, and then index, 
>> I plan to try this pattern again, The only problems that I see with this 
>> design is to get the look and spacing correct.
>> We will see? ;-)  Perhaps tomorrow morning before work? if not the Sunday.
>> talk to you and all more latter.
>> Have a good day.
>>     C.A.G.
>> On Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 06:37:52 AM EDT, Tim Ziegler <
>>> wrote: 
>> That is some fabulous work. Wow. 
>> I'm assuming one just does flat cuts and just keeps rotating the pen or 
>> piece 
>> until complete then move over, rotate so much and resume the same process 
>> over?
>> Curt your indexing system would really be a huge benefit in this process 
>> correct?
>> Kind Regards,
>> Timothy J. Ziegler
>> Ziegler WoodWork & Specialty
>> 14171 160th Ave.
>> Foreston MN 56330
>> 320-294-5798 <(320)%20294-5798> shop
>> 320-630-2243 <(320)%20630-2243> cell
>> On Mon, Jul 4, 2022 at 10:11 PM <> wrote:
>> I would go for a 1/8 strait bit on something like a ½ to ¾ dia blank 
>> that’s how I would try it looking at legacy videos I remember on bigger 
>> they use like ¼ strait bit. Also I remember a spiral brick pattern too  here 
>> is a pic of it done on pens
>> Bill
>> *From:* 'Curt George' via Legacy Ornamental Mills <
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, 5 July 2022 12:37 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: New Bone turning
>> Funny you mention it.
>> NO not in bone, but I just tried one in wood today. IT did not work out 
>> as I had hoped for.  I used the wrong router bit, I should have used an 
>> 1/8" or a 1/4" straight bit, instead I used a 3/8" the size was not right 
>> for the small part.
>> I think I will try it again, that cut might look good on a bone handle, 
>> if I can get the spacing and cutter?
>> Thank you for the idea. 
>> C.A.G.
>> On Monday, July 4, 2022 at 09:30:20 PM EDT, <> 
>> wrote: 
>> Love your bone turning curt cant wait to see what you make next have you 
>> ever done a brick pattern in bone yet?
>> Bill
>> *From:* 'Curt George' via Legacy Ornamental Mills <
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, 5 July 2022 10:30 AM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: New Bone turning
>> Hello Gavin and Brigitte
>> Made one more bone disk glue up today.  (If all goes well I should have 
>> another turning next week?)
>> the question on the glue.  I've used a number of different glues form 2 
>> part epoxy to the quick epoxy glue syringe
>> type (sold at most hardware stores)   But the last 3 turnings that I've 
>> done I have been using the Gorilla Glue clear, I find it easer to
>> use, cleaner/less messy, due to the tip on the bottle, makes it easer to 
>> apply the glue the bone disks one at a time.
>> Also the Gorilla Glue clear has a much longer cure time, (I don't know if 
>> that is good or bad? but I have to wait for hours to days before
>> I can cut the blank/bone glue up.)  In this case I am not in a hurry so 
>> it doesn't matter. ;-)
>> I made a barrel trimmer type of cutter to cut out my bones, I use a 
>> diamond hole saw (amazon they are cheap!) to cut the disk
>> I also added a router bit in the center, this way I can cut and 
>> flatten one side of the bone, Then I can take a second D.H. the same size
>> and cut through the bone to make the disk. from this point I either sand 
>> the disk, or face off the disk on my lathe to get it flat and true.
>> The process of how I do the cutting and glue up, is always changing, in 
>> the attempt to find the best method.
>> What I can tell  you is.  Bone is a very Neat material to turn, its hard 
>> like stone to the touch, with a nice cool feel when you pick it up.
>> It looks like Ivory, dose not need polishing, but if polished it shines 
>> to a brilliance gleam that is un-matched by anything that I know
>> of. 
>> And the Big bonus is, Almost No one uses it, So what ever I make is a one 
>> of a kind, that you will not find anywhere else. So any 
>> gift I make for someone, instantly becomes a family heirloom Or treasure 
>> to be pasted down, many years after Im gone form this earth.
>> If you have any other questions, Please ask.  This is a learning 
>> experience for all of us. ;-)
>> have a good night.
>> C.A.G.
>> On Sunday, July 3, 2022 at 07:52:10 PM EDT, Tim Ziegler <
>>> wrote: 
>> Hey Denson,
>> Yes I think we do need to make a bone ring. First I have to get the 
>> ringing out of my ears from watching NASCAR. We where only about 100 ft 
>> away. Just on the way back.
>> It was louder then my Routers for sure.
>> I do have a fresh dry batch of bone again too. 
>> Kind regards
>> Tim
>> On Sun, Jul 3, 2022, 10:21 AM 'Denson Ingram' via Legacy Ornamental Mills 
>> <> wrote:
>> Great job Curt!!
>> Happy 4th to all youse guys.😁
>> Tim we need to try making a ring from bone.
>> Denson
>> Sent from Denson's iPhone
>> On Jul 3, 2022, at 9:18 AM, 'Curt George' via Legacy Ornamental Mills <
>>> wrote:
>> Hello Tim
>> Im not exactly sure why the burning came to be? It could be that the bit 
>> was getting dull? but I think it was more due to me making a very light cut 
>> and moving slower then I normally do. ( un-like wood it the router bit 
>> moves slow the heat/friction of the rotation of the bit will cause this 
>> problem.)  I made a adjustment to the depth of cut and that adjustment made 
>> one rope slightly deeper then the others, So I went back and re-cut all 6 
>> ropes at the same cut depth,  This is when the burning started.
>> Luckily for me most of the burning can be removed with just a little 
>> elbow grease. (sanding and then buffing.)
>> Have a good 4th of July. Enjoy your Family Time! ;-)
>> talk to you and all more latter.
>> C.A.G.
>> On Sunday, July 3, 2022 at 05:55:58 AM EDT, Tim Ziegler <
>>> wrote: 
>> Very nice Curt.
>> Excited to see where you apply the handle as well. 
>> Was your bit getting full that it caused burning, or just hard to get out 
>> of the cut soon enough?
>> Curious if you did any of the process that I was doing to get a nice 
>> tight glue joint?
>> Talk more later my Son and I are off to NASCAR today .
>> Happy 4th to all
>> Kind regards
>> Tim J Ziegler
>> Ziegler WoodWork and Specialty
>> On Sat, Jul 2, 2022, 8:23 PM 'Curt George' via Legacy Ornamental Mills <
>>> wrote:
>> Hello Everyone.
>> Ive been working on new/different ways to work with bone.
>> I used a different process to cut the bone disks out today, I have some 
>> more ideas that I will be 
>> covering in my details latter.  
>> Today's project is a 6 start bone handle.
>> There are a few small burn marks that need to be sanded off, but other 
>> then that
>> I think this handle will do the job I wanted it for.
>> Have a great Independence day everyone.(4th of July holiday weekend.)
>> C.A.G.
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