(Sorry guys!) Here is a side note on the same topic.
Uniformity, in my shop is the goal.  NO ONE machine is the best ,for everything.
I have set my shop to work with "ALL" the same equipment. I cantake a spindle 
and move it to the lathe or either of my Legacy's with outchanging anything. So 
I can move form the 200 to the lathe, and then ontothe 1000ex with out having 
to change anything.  So even though the 200 has some issues with it, I can 
easily compensate for this problem with either of my other machines.   EXAMPLE, 
 Undercutting. I can sand the defects out on my lathe. and then go back, to 
complete the job on either of the Legacy's .
Have a great day everyone.

    On Monday, October 9, 2023 at 09:17:58 AM EDT, Curt George 
<curt.geo...@yahoo.com> wrote:  
  Hello Jeff
Thank you.And Yes I am having fun, playing with this new toy. ;-)
"O" I forgot to tell everyone, that when and if I choose to put a router back 
on my 200, I have another Z axis for it, with a router already mounted, So 
change over will only take a min. to do. But for the time being, This change 
over on the 200 is slim. Mainly due to the fact that the 200 has no Y axis, so 
having the free floating Z axis makes a lot of undercutting with dealing with a 
number of different profile cutters/router bits.  So as I see it, when dealing 
with the 200, its limited to only a few profiles, so at this time I find the 
cutter wheel that I'm using is working very well. (So I figure,) why change it 
if its not nessasary. ;-)
    On Monday, October 9, 2023 at 08:49:15 AM EDT, Jeff Richmond 
<jtrichmo...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Thanks for sharing Curt.
It looks like you are having fun with your 200 hybrid. Nice. 👍
Jeff from Connecticut 
Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 8, 2023, at 10:29 PM, 'Curt George' via Legacy Ornamental Mills 
<legacy-ornamental-mills@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Thank you Bill for posting this for me.
I am using my 200. Cutting a rope on a tapper using my angle grinder as the 
cutting tool.Everything done here could be done on any Legacy modal if the user 
is cutting form the side of the work piece.   The angle grinder dose a good job 
removing the wood, But its only one piece of equipment in my tool box.
Please let me know what you think?Any comments and suggestions are always 


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