This (see below) is how I am doing it for years now except of entering findings in a separate document while out doing
research. (although I do make copies of records with a lot of info in it)
I think this is a very good tip, I am always with that bit of an uneasy feeling, I need to remember what I have done and
thoroughly check it at home.
By using a document you also prevent mistakes due to hasty input because you want as much work possible done
and you are able to "copy and paste"
Thanks Wendy!!
regards, Keren

Wendy Howard wrote:
My method is to have the working copy on my desktop computer, and a reference copy on the laptop. I *only* alter the data on the desktop/working copy (bar one exception, see below), and when I'm about to head out somewhere I transfer a fresh up-to-date copy to the desktop via the network we have running in the house. A flash drive would also do nicely if the network wasn't there.

When I'm out and about doing research, I record my findings in a separate document (OpenOffice, as it happens), which I then copy to my desktop when I get home and enter the data into Legacy on the desktop, too. The only time I alter the Legacy data on the laptop/reference copy is when I'm working through the ToDo list, in which case I close items that I've done as I work so I can see what is left to attend to. Of course, the items on the desktop/working copy will need to be altered later on as well, so this is a duplication, but I can live with that; on the reference copy all I do is mark an item "Closed", on the working copy I'll also enter details about what the research found.

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