That makes a lot of sense, Pat.  Some people do seem to think they are
called to preach to offending LUGers, but it does no good as some one else
offends the next day!!  :>)   For the last several weeks I've been replying
personally to those who have a problem unsubscribing by simply deleting all
the text except the line that says: To unsubscribe......  So far I haven't
seen any further unsubscribe emails from them, therefore I'm concluding my
way works!.

So, I vote with Pat.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pat Hickin
Sent: Tuesday, 11 September 2007 3:18 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] UPSET BY MESSAGES?? -- SUGGESTION for procedure.

I notice that whenever I click on reply, the email address of the emailer is

displayed.  SO-O-O if we don't like the tone of that emailer's email, why 
don't we have a rule that we (as individuals) will address the emailer 
directly rather than sending the message to the entire group??

We could still manually enter [LegacyUG] at the beginning of the subject 
line and write a message rule so that it would go into the Legacy folder in 
our email programs (rather than into SPAM).

I imagine that in our lives all of us have gotten irritated at some point 
and said something rude -- and felt totally justified in expressing our 
anger -- and sooner (or) later when we calmed down regretted the expression 
of the irritation.

And I feel pretty certain that every one of us has intentionally -- or 
inadvertently -- irritated someone else (e.g., using html because it's more 
interesting or prettier and not realizing the technical reasons that we we 
shouldn't use it for mailing lists).

So if someone wants to inform someone else of that kind -- or any other 
kind -- of mistake, why not just email that one individual?

If it's something that a LOT of us are doing, then of course it would be 
appropriate to send a (preferably COURTEOUS) message to the entire group.

And if we're angry about something at the time we write the message, perhaps

we could just save it and read it again the next day and perhaps edit it 
before sending it.

When I'm feeling perfectly calm and happy and then read an angry or abusive 
email I find it difficult to return to a happy frame of mind -- and then I 
might take my annoyance out on somebody else -- I'm sure I've sent off some 
annoyed emails, but I for one hereby resolve from henceforth to try to keep 
it from creeping into my emails.

If we want more conflict in our lives, all we have to do is to turn on the 

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