Sherry/Support wrote:
Whaa????  Your data is saved to the .fdb file as soon as you click on the
"Save" button in any edit window.  It's not scattered all over your computer
- it's saved to the .fdb file that you're working in.  I don't know where
you got the idea that data is scattered all over your computer, but that's
*totally* wrong.


Actually, while the data is saved to one file, the information IS scattered over the hard disk in non contiguous sectors. I think this is what was inferred. If your O/S loses data from the FAT it can mess things up but this does not seem to be the case here. It sounds more like some program the OP had running was not behaving "politely" and not releasing unused memory. As has been discovered and posted, a restart will usually rectify the problem. The moral here is "When in doubt, do a cold reboot!" This amazingly does fix a multitude of problems. <g>
Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
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