IMHO, you must first catgorize your 'future' sources
in workable groups. The Source Type list is a good
start. How is your file cabinet organized?
Surnames/locations/individuals/mixed? Start with one
manila folder, find all the possible sources in it. 
After creating 10-20 sources, review the first ones
for editting/revising. Set up templates as you go.
These are discussed in the archives. Good luck.
Rich in LA CA

--- Hope Bagot Bees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here is a question that I have put-off asking but
> all this talk of 
> sources makes me ask it.  I have been interested in
> family history for 
> about 45 years and a lot of information is on bits
> of paper, charts 
> inherited, etc.  I have used a number of family
> history programmes on 
> computer but now use Legacy, having previously used
> Reunion.  And I now 
> have to admit that virtually nothing is sourced on
> Legacy!!
> How can I realistically begin to address this
> problem with over 3000 
> people in the file?  I have tried to append sources
> but find it tedious 
> and confusing to fill in the source data and usually
> just give up.  I do 
> realise that this makes my work sadly inadequate as
> serious information.
> Would it be a start to try to get my head around
> sourcing the 
> non-standard information.  In other words, if the
> data comes from a 
> standard birth, marriage or death certificate or
> parish register then 
> leave it un-sourced and concentrate on those bits of
> information found 
> in other places - for example a local trade
> directory or Will or Army 
> record?
> Any advice please?
> Elizabeth
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