
I'm the original poster, not Jan.

I've been on the road today heading to my next research weekend. As I sit here looking at all the responses, I would say they've been very helpful. Thank you all. I believe the single database solution will work best for me given the convincing insights towards that end.

Regarding the negative exchanges here over my posting, I don't believe Mr. Herson represents Legacy nor did he have anything productive to add to the discussion and I'll leave it to this forum's moderator on how to deal with it. Obviously my inquiry was regarding a general research problem and how best I might apply Legacy to it.

I see these kinds of silly echanges in forums on all types of topics and I would submit that you will find that bad apple on virtually any public forum. Please don't be too concerned about a quick dismissal responding to one negative reply among so many positive ones. The Legacy program speaks for itself as do all of the add-on products that have been developed to support it. There's always room for improvement but, I spent a good deal of time researching features, flexibility, reviews, comparisions etc. before choosing Legacy and I think they've made a challenging hobby much easier to enjoy. Anyone wanting to do a great job with their hard work would be careful what tools they choose to use. Only a strong recommendation from a good friend might carry more weight.

Again, Thanks to everyone for their contribuitions. We all learn from each other's experiences.

Best Regards,

Timothy K. Cox

From:  Wendy Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To:  LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
To:  LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Subject:  Re: [LegacyUG] Research advice, using single or multiple databases
Date:  Sat, 29 Dec 2007 14:21:10 +1300
>Jan, please don't be put off by one person with a negative opinion.  
>As far as I can see, your query was on-topic for this list because
>you were asking how best to make use of the program in your
>situation, and that is what the replies sent to the list were based
>As is often the case, there is more than one way to handle things in
>Legacy.  You've had at least two different views given - something
>for you to ponder as you decide what you're going to do.  There
>isn't a "right" answer, but a matter of working out what is right
>for *you*.
>While you consider the options, please take the time to sit back and
>read the posts on this list for a while.  I'm sure you will find
>that it is a very good place to be for finding out more about the
>Legacy program, as I and many others do.  Please don't let one bad
>experience ruin it for you.  :-)
>Kind Regards,
>----- Original Message -----
>*From:* "Jan Oldham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>*To:* LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
>*Sent:* 12/29/2007 1:50:38 PM +1300
>*Subject:* [LegacyUG] Research advice, using single or multiple
>>Ok, well now I know the tone of the Legacy Boards.  Thanks for
>>helping me decide which software program to change to.
>>On 12/28/07, *Thomas Herson* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>><mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>     To each his own, some of you seem to be making life difficult
>>     yourselves. But is this really a Legacy topic? It would seem
>>     apply to any software.
>>          Tpm
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