Pdf's usually are read-only unless you have a pdf editor that will allow to get into it and make changes. I use PDF Plus, which costs about $80 or there's Adobe Acrobat for about 300 or 500.

An html document can be edited with a text editor, although may be too complicated for some. If you can talk them into installing Kompozer (free) that would be easier. Otherwise it's rtf that will open in Word if they have it. Or maybe WordPad if they don't. Some types of reports can be done in straight .txt.


Barbara Ford wrote:
Is it possible to save a report in the format of a Word document
(.doc)? The only choices I see are .pdf and .rtf. With .pdf, it is
read-only (or am I doing something wrong on that?), and with .rtf, the
formatting is terrible. What I am trying to do is to find a format
that I can easily send a report to someone (not as a
gedcom)...sometimes I'd like to be able to go into the document and
take out parts, or maybe even format the font (my mother needs large
font, for example). Even if I save as .rtf and then open in Word, the
formatting is still so far off that I need to go through the whole
document and close up spaces, and so forth.

I do also see the choice of HTML format, and by trial and error, it is
easier to cut and paste from the html document into Word than it is to
try to re-format the rich text.

Am I missing something? Or is there a way to create a .pdf document
that is not read-only?


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