I have no problems with the backup (tried General Release 188 and Beta
188). I do backup to a different drive. To test the backup to the
standard folder I've changed this to c:\legacy\data and the backup
went ok. I'm using Vista Home Premium (Dutch).
Could you change the destination folder to see what happens?

2008/2/20, Ken Carkeet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Greetings!
> There is definitely a problem with the latest Legacy update ( I
> have been trying all afternoon to get Legacy to create backup family files
> without success. No matter what I tried Legacy just would not make any *.zip
> backup files. There are no error messages to warn you that Legacy has failed
> to create a backup of your files. If you create a backup then go to
> C:\Legacy\Data you will find that Legacy didn't backup your file.  I
> eventually installed an older version of Legacy ( over the new one
> and the backup problem was immediately rectified. However, the general
> information screen showed that I was still on version and that I
> was still using the latest update. There's something funny going on here!!
> Shouldn't the general information screen tell me that I was using the older
> version and not the newer one? I'll leave this one for the experts to figure
> out. Meanwhile I'm just glad that I can now create backups again. When the
> programmers have fixed up the problem with the newest update I will then
> download the new update and try again :-)
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