Could one not create this as a chart by doing some TAGGING before hand
- then export the tagged people to a temporary family file? (Like tag
all ancestors of Mary , tag all ancestors of Joe, tag all descendants
of Joe (or Mary) -- then create family file - only tagged people?)

Just thinking with my fingers..........


On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 12:59 PM, Graham Hadfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 14:43 12/03/2008, you wrote:
>  >Eric W. Galloway wrote:
>  >>I was very disappointed to not be able to find a way to make any
>  >>marriage-centric charts in the very nifty and beautiful charting
>  >>software.
>  >>
>  >>I would like to be able to pick a particular marriage and generate a
>  >>chart of all the ancestors of both people in that marriage. Or to
>  >>generate a chart of the descendants of that marriage.  Or best of all
>  >>an hourglass report on the couple in that marriage.
>  >>
>  >
>  >There isn't a program available that will make every sort of tree
>  >chart imaginable and I cannot think of a program that can create the
>  >type of chart that you want at a click of the mouse..
>  Ron is quite correct. I can only think of one program in which it can
>  be done without creating a special file as Ron described. That
>  program would require merger of two charts: an ancestor chart for one
>  of the children of the marriage and a descendant chart for the
>  married couple. Not difficult but it does need manual effort.
>  Regards,
>  Graham
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