ronald ferguson wrote:

We don't often disagree, but regarding your Rule 3 I would countenance against using the abbreviation of RD. As more 20c UK Censuses become available it is highly likely that one will find RD commonly used as it means Rural District. I recommend writing Registration District in full, or just writing "Registered in Epsom".

Of course. I've been out of the UK for too long :-)

The suggestion of using the RD: prefix was just a quick, off the top of the head, kind of thing. Provided you're consistent, it shouldn't matter too much, provided you clearly distinguish between the Epsom Registration District and the town of Epsom.

Seem to recall one or two long-winded discussions in the past on the LUG concerning the use of abbreviations (US states?) that could lead to mis-interpretation of facts. Perhaps your idea of using [[Registration District]] as a prefix would be preferable :-)

Mike Fry

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