Some of my ancestors came from the Lemko region of the Carpathian Mountains in Austria Hungary, and were Greek Catholics ?

When reviewing the Church records (written Polish/Latin/Kinda of Combinations of Something) Births, Deaths, Marriages for a period of even 20 years, I might find 5 different spellings in the church records for Surnames and Given names of the same individual (based on recorded marriage and children's birth records, and then death records)

Ie Surname
Joannes Waranka
Joanes Warjanka
Joinnes Warianka
Jan Waryanka
Joannes Varanka

All same person.

How do others record variations, do you record every variation?

Then how do you decide what name to use as the primary?

In my family over the years some modern day branches have chosen all 5 different branches.

I'm now trying to figure out what name to use as the primary for ancestors.

Then when it comes to charting,  It might be nice to include all AKAs.

Depending on what branch of the family tree I might be charting the different branches might have one of the 5 variations, how would one notate based on the Charts being printed.

When it comes to Charting depending on who wants what, the ability to select from any AKA would be WONDERFUL, I currently do not know of any Charting program that would allow me to change on the fly depending on the Charts being created.

During some periods of time many ancestors could not read or write themselves, Church records have spellings all over the place, some not even close sometimes.

What's are your thoughts?

john magyari

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