Hello Penny,

I too have been thinking along these lines. Thanks for asking the question.

Debbie Freeman

Penny wrote,

I have a question which may actually not be answerable, but I'm asking it
anyway. (and yes, I know sources have been done-to-death on LUG,
but sources/citations are where the rubber-meets-the-road in genealogy,
aren't they!?)
Without asking that anyone who's had the privilege of actually previewing
version 7 violate possible non-disclosure-agreements they may have signed
with the nice folks at Millenia:  
In your opinion, is it possible to enter sources in Legacy v6 in such a way
as to create the least amount of problems when we switch to v7?  In other
words, is there any advice on how to enter sources **now** in such a way as
to ensure the greatest conformity between these currently entered source and
the ones we will enter via v7?
I seriously need to re-organize and re-word many sources I already have in
my db.  I also need to add a ton of 'em that I have on paper and in computer
files.  My previous gen. program was a pita for managing sources.  I
procrastinated, looking for "The Better Way" and found Legacy (and love it),
but I've put off attacking my sources for several more months now, waiting
for version 7.
That's months in an old-lady's life she won't ever get back! LOL  So, while
I'm quite happy to wait for v 7 to be "ready" (surely nobody wants Millenia
to release it until then and nobody has a clue when that will be), I've come
to the conclusion I need to proceed using the latest v6.
Any advice?  (Fwiw, I suppose I'm a splumper or some such.  I take the
middle road between splitter and lumper.)
Thanks in advance for all opinions and words of wisdom,

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