From: "Janis Gilmore"

The issue that I have  . . . . whether the new program will offer improved
sourcing capabilities which would eliminate the need for work-arounds. At
present, I either have to split every source, or through convoluted means
produce a nearly perfect source from the master source and source detail,
which includes just one tiny period in the wrong place.

I'm baffled, frankly. Legacy's current sourcing capabilities are excellent and offer much more flexibility than other programs I've seen. Legacy has no periods in its sources. If you have a period in the wrong place, it's because you put it there, not because Legacy did anything. I simply don't understand what convoluted means to which you're having to resort.

Until just recently, I'd never heard the terms "lumper" and "splitter". I've been reading posts here very recently which seem to indicate references will be their own little mini-reports (not you necessarily, Janis, this is a general comment on this general discussion). The body of the work, that which should interest those who come after us, are the families, not the sources. You have some information to share, share it. Yes, tell people where you got the information, but if you copy and include any of the text of the source, well, frankly, that's copyright infringement. Just tell folks the title, author, who published it, and on what page. If you have conflicting information, the source isn't the place to discuss your resolution of the conflict. Put that discussion in your research notes, where it's appropriate to record your own research thought process.

Several years ago I purchased ESM's Evidence, for which I assume the recent book is a new edition. I don't understand why people are so anxious to follow it - she uses very convoluted methods to say something which should be quite simple and straight forward. I want people who come after me to be able to actually understand and follow what I've done, to duplicate my work if they so desire, and I intend to accurately write my sources which will do exactly that, ESM aside. Will some snooty genealogist of the future respect me? Frankly, my dear, I don't give a d---.

researching the descendants of William and Sarah (Patterson) Thompson

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