As Gene Y. suggested - you can make a copy of the file as he indicated.  Then 
using the copy, CHANGE the ending of the file from  '.fdb' to '.mdb' and it 
should open/import into Access quite nicely.  This was suggested to me when I 
was attempting to correct some notes. 

After you save the file out of Access,  change the '.mdb' ending back to 
'.fdb'. Open it in Legacy and see what happens.  If it goes haywire, you can 
always revert to the unchanged '.fdb' file from the original save. Nice things 
about backups and multiple copies.

---- Valerie Garton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> No As I said I want to export A file from Legacy and import it in to Access.
> I really tried very hard here to make my question very specific. If you have
> any suggestions as to how better I should have worded my quesition please
> speak up. Could we please have a positive attitude not a negative one.
> Please stop picking on me. I can not help the person I am and I don't see
> why my question can not be answered without this UNNECESSARY very hurtful
> comments
> Regards from Valerie in sunny Sydney. 
> Researching: BEDDY, CULLODEN, DYAS and ROWAN in Belfast, Dublin, Wicklow &
> Wexford 
> Guild of One-Name Studies No: 4825 for CULLODEN & HIGGINSON
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gene Young
> Sent: Friday, 11 April 2008 9:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Exporting a Legacy file to Access
> Valerie Garton wrote:
> > I would like to export a file from Legacy and then import it in to Access.
> > 
> > Could some one please give me directions.
> > 
> Again you have failed to state the objective you are seeking.  Do you want a
> small piece of your 
> file exported or the entire thing?  Is there specific information you wish
> to extract?  We can not 
> help if we do not know what your goal is.
> Your entire file can be opened in Access but you MUST work only with a COPY.
> In windows explorer, browse to the location where you keep your family file.
> (Use your file name in 
> place of filename.fdb)
> Right click on the file (filename.fdb) and select copy.  Then press CTRL and
> V together.  You should 
> then have a file named "copy of filename.fdb".
> When you open Access select to open files of type *.* all files.  You will
> then be able to see your 
> file (copy of filename.fdb) and open it directly in Access.
> I would seriously suggest you have someone with a good knowledge of Access
> with you the first time 
> you attempt this.  Access is not an easy program to use without prior
> knowledge.  It is NOT 
> intuitive or user friendly.
> -- 
> Gene Y.
> n2kvs
> Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
> Legacy Family Tree
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