I just wanted to compliment Cathy on a very nice, concise explanation of
when to use Quoted names vs. AKA names. Your examples were very well
explained and should be a help to all genealogists, let alone Legacy users.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cathy
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 7:26 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Quoted Names In Given Field for Reports and Charts

Hi John,

Whether I use a Quoted Name or an AKA is a decision I make on an 
individual basis after asking the question "Do I want this name to be 
the one used in narratives?" If yes - it has to be a quoted name. If 
no - it's an AKA.

I think the difference is between a name that is always or mostly 
used by everyoneor almost everyone (familiar) as opposed to a name 
that is used by a few (nickname).

For example: My mother was known as Joyce. This was her third given 
name so it would be wrong to call it a nickname but to have it used 
in narrative it must be added as a Quoted Name.
Her school friends called her "T". All her life she received letters 
from some which began "Dear T".
This is a nickname that I have in the AKAs.

Her brother was known as Roy. This wasn't one of his given names so a 
true nickname but everyone knew him as Roy all his life - so it's 
entered as a Quoted Name.
Another example: My nephew Richard is mostly known as Richard. 
However many of his cousins call him "Wretched" and he still signs 
himself "Wretched" in some situations (and so he was for a short time 
in his adolescence ;-) but not now as a father of 4). I've entered it 
as an AKA as it's not in general use - however I wouldn't want to 
ignore it as it's there in letters and cards.


At 10:00 AM 1/05/2008, you wrote:
>For some reason, which I thought I saw in LegacyUG that some might 
>enter Nick names via [[ ]]
>When looking at the help it seems to imply to use AKA for Nicknames 
>and use double quotes for familiar names.
>I guess I've always thought a familiar name was a nickname.
>I'm going to go back and start using double quotes for familiar names.
>1) What's the difference between a familiar name and a nick name?
> From Help section:
>Enter all the given names for the individual.  This includes the 
>first name and all middle names.  Don't include nicknames or 
>alternate names which should be entered by clicking on the  icon to 
>the right of the Surname field. Given names can be up to 120 characters
>You can enter a "familiar" name as part of the given names by 
>enclosing it in quotes.  For example, Margaret "Peggy" Ann.  This 
>familiar name can then be used in narrative paragraphs when a book 
>report is generated.  (See the Use Quoted Names for Narratives topic 
>in the Format tab section of <report_options.htm>Report Options.)

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