
I respectfully disagree.  I also run MojoPac Usher v1.8.0.0 [Beta].  MojoPac
does require
administrative privileges, however, the software does provide a way to log
on as a "guest
with administrative privileges."  Try this: While MojoPac is running in host
mode (not MojoPac
mode), look in the system tray on the taskbar and look for the MojoPac
icon.  Now click on
it and select "Open MojoPac Usher Configuration Panel."  Now select the
"Host Security
Level" tab.  You will see that there is a description which reads "MojoPac
Usher allows
guest MojoPac to login with administrative privileges."  I won't go into
detail as how to use
this option.

While you still have the "MojoPac Usher Configuration Panel" open, click on
the "Help"
button.  The MojoPac Usher help window will open.  Select the "Contents" tab
and then
highlight "Installing MojoPac Usher" in the left panel.  You can read about
installation in the right panel.

MojoPac installs in the "C:\Program Files\RingThree" folder as a default.
MojoPac runs
on the host computer as a service.  That is why it doesn't show up in the
control panel's
"Add / Remove" window.  If you will look on a computer that you have run
MojoPac on,
check in the Start / All Programs (Win XP) and look for a MojoPac entry.
When you
find it, you will notice that it has a selection to "Remove MojoPac Usher"
from the host
computer.  [It is obvious (?) that a program has to be installed before it
can be uninstalled.]
The service executable, "pvmservice.exe," is installed in the "C:\Program
folder.  (This is the default installation folder.)

If you know how to use regedit, you will discover that MojoPac does leave a
trace on
the host computer.  There is an entry in:
1) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\
2) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\
3) HKEY_USERS\(Individual User ID varies)\Software\Microsoft\Windows\
    CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu2\Programs\MojoPac
4) HKEY_USERS\(Individual User ID varies)\Software\Microsoft\Windows\

6) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet003 (this varies by
7) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet003 (this varies by
user)\Services\PVM Service
8) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\pvm
9) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PVM Service

Please, folks, there has been enough discussion about USB flash drives!  I
over 30 years of programming experience so I do know a little about
software.  I
also am CompTIA A+ certified, CompTIA Network+ certified, and Microsoft MCSE
certified.  I am now retired and program at my leisure.  I don't mean to
give a
resume here, however, enough is enough!


Gene Young wrote:

Mark Wilson wrote:

Legacy *does* run very slowly via MojoPac, however, it also requires
installation of the MojoPac software on the host computer.  This, too, would
not work on a host computer where installation of software is not permitted.

No, MoJoPac does not have to be installed on the host computer.  It runs
entirely from the flash drive.  I know this to be true as I have done it.
It requires nothing loaded on the host computer and leaves NO traces on the
host computer when disconnected.  As has been pointed out the host computer
must be running with an administrator account but I have not encountered a
problem in this respect as most people never set up limited accounts on
their computers and only run as administrator.

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