Why are you trying to access the backup by extracting the files rather than using Legacy File > Restore Family File? Can you access the backup by using this Restore backup option which is the normal way to use a Legacy backup? I suspect it is something to do with the program on your computer that is associated with zips that is creating the problem.


At 11:01 AM 16/05/2008, you wrote:
Why are you trying to access the backup file? Are you no longer able to access the *.fdb Legacy data file?

researching the descendants of William and Sarah (Patterson) Thompson

----- Original Message ----- From: "Al Mallory"

The files were created when closing Legacy and a dialogue asks if you
want to backup family file (I don't have any multimedia files). In the
past it created a zipped folder containing  the main family file and 3
others (focus groups etc). I have been able to right click on these
folders and select Extract All to gain access to all of the files. Now
I get the message that each file is password protected and a request
for a password. I have been able to move these files between PCs
without issue in the past .

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