Hello. Don't forget that Legacy provides a way for you to convert DMS to decimal degrees, and vice versa! Quite a few people are pleasantly pleased to discover this. To find it, go to "Add/Edit Location."

For just a few locations, 50 or so or fewer, it is not too bad. But if you have 100s or 1,000s of locations to convert, it is trying to do conversion for that many!

I am positive Geoff will respond. They do have tens of thousands of email to respond to.


Larry Wilson wrote:
Hi David, You may have missed my point.... I recognize degrees, minutes and decimals of minutes is a good form of GPS. My point is that when gathering GPS locations, from the Internet and books, most are in decimals of degrees format. Thus, converting them to Legacy format is a pain in the a--. I use these GPS locations for all my rural cemeteries and farm locations, in my family they mostly farmers and all were buried in small local (family)cemeteries. With decimals of degrees I can get down the feet of finding any thing. I hope you understand my concern.... It's just the converting. When Legacy was gathering input for the new version 7, I suggested having the choice (option) of either degrees, minutes and decimals of minutes or decimals of degrees, Geoff liked the idea and e-mail me to say so..... But it never happened. I was just wondering why. I have copied Geoff on this matter, but he has not to responded. Best, Larry

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