As we know, the Source Conversion tool is not yet done. I don't know when it
will be. And I've learned that I'm not going to make any statements with the
word "soon" in it. :) I just simply don't know. So...if we do have sources
that we want to convert to the SourceWriter format, we have to manually do
this for now. I'll present the "flow" of how I've been doing mine, which is
not to say that it is the correct method for everyone. Keep in mind that I,
too, am new to this and am open to others' ideas/feedback.

First of all, I personally am NOT going back through ALL of my sources to
convert them to the SourceWriter format. With tens of thousands of
citations, I would never get back to research if I solely concentrated on
this. Rather, when I'm adding new sources, I always use the SourceWriter.
And when I'm currently researching a family that has Basic Style citations,
I work to convert those citations. A citation consists of both the master
source and the source detail. Here is my process for now....

1) Open the Assigned Sources list for an individual by clicking on the
Sources icon. Here I can see which existing citations are Basic Style and
which are SourceWriter style. The SourceWriter style citations have a small
black bullet at the beginning in the Source List Name column.

2) When I locate a Basic Style source in this list, I click on it so it is
highlighted. Then I copy/paste the entire Footnote/Endnote Citation from the
Output tab into a Word Processor. I do the same for all of the text on the
Text/Comments tab. I also make note of the Repository and any Pictures. With
this text pasted into my Word Processor, I have everything I need to create
the new SourceWriter source.

3) Using the Source Clipboard, I create the SourceWriter version of this
source, entering all of the pieces into the correct fields, and pasting the
text/comments/etc. from my word processor. If you're not comfortable with
the Source Clipboard, I strongly suggest that you become comfortable with
it. It will change your life....The Preview video of the Sources training CD
teaches how to use the Source Clipboard.

4) Once the Source Clipboard is set up, using the clipboard's single blue
bar button, I locate and click on each Basic Style source in the Assigned
Sources list, and paste the source from the clipboard into the appropriate

5) Each event will now have both the Basic Style source and the SourceWriter
style source. Simply click on the Basic Style source, and click on the
Remove button. Do this until each Basic Style source is gone, and is
replaced with the SourceWriter version.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each person who shares the IDENTICAL Basic Style
source (master source and citation).

Maybe there's a better way? I haven't yet experimented with the Combine
button in the Master Source List, but from what a couple of you have
reported, this method doesn't yet do the job.


Geoff Rasmussen
Millennia Corporation

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