Legacy 7 Deluxe

I noticed that one can set nine fields for  locations

I'd like to be able to set
Loc1, Loc2, Loc3, Loc4, Loc5, Loc6, Loc7, Loc8, Loc9
with Country, State, County, City, Street, Address#, Apt#, Room, Bed #

1) How would I set the above parameters in the proper order??

A) Country, State, County, City, Street, Address#, Apt#, Room, Bed #
B ) Bed #, Room, Apt#, Address#, Street, City , County, State, Country
C) Some other logically way

and then based on known info input subsets of above.

When I go to the Master Location and try to do sort
it appears it wants
LOC4 to be Country
LOC3 to be State
LOC2 to be County
LOC1 to be City

I want it so I can use all nine fields if known and then to be able to using MAPPING

2) Can I specify for mapping use all locations except Apt#, Room, Bed of what is know?


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