David Baker wrote:

For anyone that is interested in getting their mapping side done as best as possible, I wrote a small application & have put it on my website at:


To use it, all you need to do is Export a gedcom file in Legacy 7 format to your computer, run my application pointed to the .GED file & it will create a .KML file. This kml file can be opened in Google Earth (just double-click on the kml if you have Google Earth installed) and creates a red cross for all the mapped locations in your gedcom. This makes it easy to spot places where the geocoding has gone crazy - I've found places that should be in Scotland ending up in the Sinai and places that should be in South Australia ending up in Africa.

The app is free & only tested on my own gedcom so far so may very well have bugs. Also, first time I am using Visual Studio 2008 to compile an application - it seems to run ok on the 4 computers I have here without requiring an installation package but this may be because all the computers I have here already have the correct .Net framework installed. Others may not so let me know if it doesn't work & you want to help me find out why.

I have downloaded and used this app on my Win XP laptop and it functions as stated. I might add that once you open the file in Google Earth and save it there you can delete the original gedcom as it is no longer needed. A consideration if HD space is tight. A nice App.

Sorry if some say that it is not on topic for the forum, but I think it is -
it's a helper app using the Legacy output to allow easier viewing of the data. There is currently no way to get the data back from Google Earth to Legacy if an error is found - that still needs to be done manually. I am hoping that a future version of Legacy will have a feature like this built in.

To get the correction into Legacy just cut and paste the correct co-ordinates.

Well worth the try and it does fit well with the Legacy locations functions.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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