I thought from your first post you had a source (Master, Detail & Text 
exactly the same) that you wanted to use for 3 events. In that case, use 
the directions from Bruce below.
Try this:
Click on the "books" icon for the desired individual
Highlight the immigration event
Click on the bottom icon on the left (2 overlapping pages).  This "copies" 
the source (complete with detail)
Highlight one of the other two events (naturalization or residence)
Click on the "minus" icon (next to the bottom icon).  This "pastes" the 
complete source.
Do the same with the other event.
Works great for me.
Also, by doing it this way, the sources will be identical which means they
will have the same "footnote" number and the source will only appear once.

In your followup, are you wanting to use a source (Master (1920 Census - 
same), Detail (same) Text (different)?
Then follow the directions from Elizabeth below:
When you want to source an event, call up the source you want (like 1920 
census) and select it to be the source.  Then when you call up the
event, you can select the source with the little button with the horizontal 
line.  I would suggest doing all the things using the same source at one 
time -- for me, this means, while doing a census, I also click the little 
button for a residence event, an occupation event, and anything else that 
seems relevant, like year of immigration.  Go through everybody in that 
census and get it done.

In your followup, are you wanting to use a source (Master (1920 Census - 
same), Detail (different), Text (different - or you may not even be using 
the text option)?
Then I can't see where the Source Clipboard would be helpful. Or I should 
say I don't think using the Source Clipboard would be helpful to me.

Your followup questions:
1.  It works but the source appears 3 times, once for each event.  Now I 
have 3 Master Sources of 1920 Census listed for the individual with
identical details for date of immigration.  After I edit the details for 
the naturalization info for the Naturalization event and edit the detail of 
the Residence event to reflect the address given in the 1920 census, this 
still leaves three references to the same master source but with different 
citations or details in the Source Window. – not to mention that I must 
either cut and paste the detail info (which is a chore because you can't 
have two windows open at the same time)

Lew,  - once you highlight & copy text, you can close that area and paste 
text wherever you desire.

1. cont'd by Lew -  or enter it from memory.  Although it appears there are 
three references to the 1920 census Master Source, I have to assume that in 
reality there is only one entry since there is only one reference in the 
Master Source List.  Is that correct?
Lew,  I'm sorry, but I'm not following this. You have a single Master 
Source Entry - 1920 Census. You have different details of that Master 
Source added to different events. You can use Master Source named "1920 
Census" for events for many other individuals by adding different details 
and text, thereby having many references to this Master Source named '1920 

2. Elizabeth said to call up the source you want and select it to be the 
source.  How do you call up the desired source for an existing event when 
it doesn't appear in the individual Source window?  It does appear in the 
Master Source List but I can't call it up.  I can't even call it up by 
adding a new source;  the template does not allow an existing source 
selection.  I know I can create a new event, source it, and then delete the 
old one… but that seems like a round-about way to source an existing event.

Lew,  Don't creat a new event, source it & delete it. Not necessary. I 
suggest you look at the training videos. Goeff covers both adding a Master 
Source and Citing a(n existing) Master Source in the video. You can use the 
videos as reference, but I suggest looking through all of them at least 
once as they address your current questions.  Sorry about the Chick/Lew 
names previously.
Regards, Jane Tripp
To see the free training videos - Click the Legacy Home Tab from within 
your Legacy program
Under 'Support' header, select 'Watch Training Videos'
>From this screen any of the View & Preview options are free.

Lew's first post :
On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 4:37 PM, Chick Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am converting from Family Tree Maker to Legacy but confused with the way 
Legacy handles sources.  I understand that a Master Source may be used 
several times with different citations, but how do multiple events use the 
same source?  I have no trouble assigning a source to a new event but there 
must be an easier way to assign a source to an old event other than 
re-newing the event.  There doesn't seem to be any correlation between the 
events and sources.  How do you tell which belongs where?
For instance: I have an immigration event, a naturalization event, and a 
residence event that are all sourced from the 1920 census and transferred 
in from FTM.  There is an "S" in the source window for the immigration 
event, but nothing for the naturalization or residence event.  How do I get 
those two events to source the 1920 census without having to re-create 
them?  I have found nothing in the manual or on-line help about adding a 
source to an existing event.  Thanks...

Lew's follow up:
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Source Confusion

It works but the source appears 3 times, once for each event.  Now I have 3 
Master Sources of 1920 Census listed for the individual with identical 
details for date of immigration.  After I edit the details for the 
naturalization info for the Naturalization event and edit the detail of the 
Residence event to reflect the address given in the 1920 census, this still 
leaves three references to the same master source but with different 
citations or details in the Source Window. – not to mention that I must 
either cut and paste the detail info (which is a chore because you can't 
have two windows open at the same time) or enter it from memory.  Although 
it appears there are three references to the 1920 census Master Source, I 
have to assume that in reality there is only one entry since there is only 
one reference in the Master Source List.  Is that correct?

Elizabeth said to call up the source you want and select it to be the 
source.  How do you call up the desired source for an existing event when 
it doesn't appear in the individual Source window?  It does appear in the 
Master Source List but I can't call it up.  I can't even call it up by 
adding a new source;  the template does not allow an existing source 
selection.  I know I can create a new event, source it, and then delete the 
old one… but that seems like a round-about way to source an existing event.

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