I was recently persuaded by a friend to switch to Legacy, and so my only experience of the programmes is confined to Version 7. After a month or so I must confess, for all the reasons given previously, to now being less than taken with it. I feel there is a very good programme in there, but it's got a way to go.

Added to which, my area of research is principally in the UK and Ireland, and my initial disappointment was to find that the programme isn't set up for UK based research, you have to do "workarounds"

I don't think there is such a thing as the ideal programme, they all have their strengths and weakness's. For instance, there have been several emails recently about converting to Gedcom. If that's important to you then use Family Historian because gedcom is it's native file format. You don't have to convert to Gedcom, it already is. For me personally, it's not a big issue, but I understand for some people it is. In the end you have to decide which programme works best for you.

On the wider question of bugs in programmes, and this applies not just to Legacy, I'm often left wondering just how much quality control there is in the industry. Unfortunately we, Joe Public, for some reason cheerfully put up with what by any standards is often poor quality. We don't complain (we might have a moan), and we don't ask for our money back.

If, for example, you buy a washing machine and then you find that it will wash woolens and cottons, but it won't wash nylon and silks properly because of a "bug" you send it back to the shop. And it's no good the salesmen saying "there'll be an update in 6 months and it will work then, look you can see it marked on the dial"; you tell what to do with it.

But for some reason, perhaps it's a culture thing, I don't know, but with computers and programmes we put up with it - why?

Anyway, that's today's rant over!!

Pat Molloy

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