Couple of questions to the informed crowd here....

I am working to reconcile a large number of European place name citations in
a fairly large Legacy file (30,000+ individuals) between currently accepted
naming conventions and older or alternate spelling and language differences.
A simple clear example is the old American spelling of the Ukrainian town
"Lvov" which on most current maps is Lviv or L'viv.

Can anyone tell me what the source was for the Legacy Geo Location Database
names?  Is there an standard academic source(s) against which that list is
published?  For example: The US Geological Survey database, or some other
world atlas(es)?

If the spelling standardization is a Millenium Corp. construct, is there a
listing of the transliteration guidelines used in building these lists?

Thanks for any insights

David M. Kleiman
Heritage Muse, Inc.

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