I am using Version and am trying to print a Pedigree Chart.  When I 
look at the Print Preview, the chart is formatted with Shadowed Boxes.  In 
addition, the text is not fitting into the boxes, but is printing above, below, 
and on top of the lines of the boxes.
I would like to turn off the option for Shadowed Boxes and also try the chart 
without any boxes at all.
To try to accomplish this, I clicked on Reports, Report Menu (Charts), Pedigree 
tab, then Report Options and then the Format tab.  I see a checkmark in the box 
next to the word "Shadowed."  I would like to uncheck it; however, it is grayed 
out, along with "Put boxes around individuals," "Fancy corners," the "Choose" 
button and most of the other choices on the page.  I cannot figure out how to 
"ungray" any of these items.  (And, interestingly, there is no checkmark in the 
box next to "Put boxes around individuals," yet there are boxes shown on the 
Maybe I am just supposed to use the new Charting feature instead of the Report 
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
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