jmglover wrote:
This is the message I get when I try to save the Legacy file to Flash drive "K", which is the one I've been having trouble with since the update of Legacy.

"Error saving Family File as: K:\glover main one 1-01-2009.
Error 67: Too many files
Would you like to TRY IT AGAIN? "
There is very little 'used' space in the flash!!

I am able to save the Legacy files to another flash drive though. That's working alright. So though the problems not solved, I will just copy the files on the K flash to my hard drive, and then to the other flash I have. So problem solved that way.

Well, that was going to be my final, final suggestion - that the flash drive was beyond it's 'best by' date and it was time to get the stuff off and ditch it in favour of a new one.

Lesson for everyone: Don't rely on flash drives for permanent storage!

Mike Fry

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