On 15 Jan 2009  Jackie King wrote:

> Roots has not been the most reliable in the past year. All you have to
> do is note all of the problems being reported in the Listowners-L list
> on Rootsweb about non-delivery of email since before Christmas on some
> lists, and sporadic delivery on others.

Like Mike Fry, you are making some statements that are incorrect and 
others that don't relate to all RootsWeb's lists.

The problems RootsWeb experienced from Christmas to yesterday were 
only on one server (Lists-9) and these were due to a high level of 
spam reaching this server (but *not* going to the subscribers).  This 
unusual level of spam caused the server to crash and then a backup 
recovery sent many very old messages on their way to members a second 
time.  The volumes have also caused valid messages to be delayed.

> The list problem has gotten so bad that the moderator there has told
> the listowners to just quit complaining since they can't do anything
> about it anyway until rootsweb figures it out. 

Again, this is incorrect.  This had nothing to do with "the list 
problem has gotten so bad"!  The LO admin said that the complaints 
were off-topic for the listowners (LO) mailing list because their 
fellow list admins couldn't do anything about it.  At least this 
shows that RootsWeb's lists are being monitored by their 
administrators and off-topic threads are ended, as you indeed know.

> The WashDC list and APG list are two that I am subscribed to that have
> reported more problems with it in the past several days and this note
> this morning from the National Coordinator of the Tombstone
> Transcription Project.

These are on the Lists-9 server and were affected by this same single 

> I doubt you would get quite that deluge from the Legacy list since
> according to its archives it doesn't seem to be all that active. 

RootsWeb's Legacy mailing list is on the List-3 server which has had 
no problems.

Problems with spam on RootsWeb's mailing lists (and all others 
including this one) are exacerbated by uneducated web builders who 
place unprotected links for these mailing lists on their web pages.  
If anyone, including Millennia, is going to place mail-to links on 
their web pages then they need to ensure that those links are 
encrypted to discourage harvesting by spammers.

Another cause of high levels of spam being sent to a few RootsWeb's 
mailing lists is list administrators that respond to spam messages 
instead of discarding them.  This response only results in telling 
the spammer that a live address has been reached, then even more spam 
will be received!  Hopefully RootsWeb's Legacy list administrator 
doesn't do this.

Cheers, -- Dave N.

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