If I read your reply correctly, the merge problem does not happen all the time. Perhaps, it only happens in isolated instances. If this is so, is it possible for us to BE ALLOWED to do merges WITH LEGACY FIRST INFORMING us that bad, very bad, things may happen *and* that we ought do a backup before proceeding? I, for one, would like to have the opportunity to merge the old and the new and to face any dire consequences with a warning that the merge may fail.
        Thank you,

At 09:57 AM 1/6/2009, you wrote:

When I tested this and reported the problem with merging basic sources into sourcewriter sources I found that the detail entries from the old style source were lost.

The Basic source details were not copied to the sourcewriter template fields. Initially when you look at the source in the source list the old details are shown but if you click on edit details you will find that those entries are missing from the sourcewriter details screen. If you then save instead of cancel the only entries that will remain are those hard coded into the template (such as the microfilm series number for census records).

The programmer elected to prevent merging of old and new style sources in response to that problem report.

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Chick Lewis wrote:
Sorry to keep asking about this issue and I hate to be a pest, but I
really need to know what, if any damage has been done to my file
because I merged basic sources into sourcewriter before that feature
was removed for some unknown reason in build  A response
from Legacy would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

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