Funny - I have run my copy of ME since it came out (I still have my free ME watch that they gave to those of us who got it the first day it was out)- and have never had to reformat, reinstall or do anything and I am a heavy computer user. My copy of XP at work, on the other hand ......

Having said that, however, it is time to get a new computer so I am watching the threads on how Legacy and other programs run on various OS's with interest. While some may consider it off-topic, finding the best OS to run Legacy on only enhances the value of Legacy in my book - and is a topic of high interest to me.

Cheers -


Terrell Dorn wrote:
What we really need is a Linux version!

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 1:39 AM, Colin Liddell < <>> wrote:

    You still had to remove it from your hard drive about every twelve
    months and format the drive and re-install ME otherwise it got
    very flakey!

        ----- Original Message -----
        *From:* <>
        *Sent:* Tuesday, January 27, 2009 8:39 AM
        *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Computers

        ME was much more problematic if it was installed as an
        upgrade on a computer with Windows 95 or 98 already on it.
        Factory installs, or ones done where the drive was
        re-formatted and ME installed clean did much better.
Gary Templeman
            -------------- Original message --------------
            From: "Elizabeth Richardson" <

            > Ward, I appreciate your post. I used ME for 6 years and
            it never crashed on
            > me. But I know that it was a miserable experience for
            many. I know Vista
            > users for whom it is a miserable experience, though you
            are correct, it
            > doesn't crash. Mary asked for opinions. I gave mine.
            > Elizabeth
            > researching the descendants of William and Sarah
            (Patterson) Thompson
            > ----- Original Message -----
            > From: "Ward Walker"
            > To:
            > Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 6:56 AM
            > Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Computers
            > > Elizabeth,
            > >
            > > Others have responded already that Vista was working
            well for them,
            > > including for Legacy. I don't want to belabor the
            point, but just to add
            > > that in my experience, Windows ME was truly bad,
            crashing frequently,
            > > while Vista is very stable. People with bad ME
            experience should not be
            > > afraid of Vista. (Some may prefer the user interface
            of XP, although Vista
            > > can be made to look much like XP if that is the only
            > >
            > > Now, 64-bit Vista is perhaps worth a hesitation, even
            though Sherry and
            > > others have reported success with Legacy. My
            experience a year ago at work
            > > was that some software packages would not install on
            64-bit Vista (or on
            > > 64-bit XP). This is probably gradually being resolved.
            > >
            > > I agree that a generous amount of RAM is advisable
            with Vista.
            > >
            > > Ward
            > >
            > > ----- Original Message -----
            > > From: "Elizabeth Richardson "
            > > To:
            > > Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 1:43 PM
            > > Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Computers
            > >
            > >
            > >> Mary, I purchased a Dell about a year ago and chose
            the XP OS instead of
            > >> Vista. Everything I've heard leads me to believe
            Vista is the disaster
            > >> that ME was in 1999, and Microsoft is already coming
            out with another OS.
            > >> That said, I don't think the Error 91 problem has
            anything to do with
            > >> either Vista nor Dell. I have had the Error 91
            problem occasionally, but
            > >> only with Legacy. It's a Legacy problem in my
            opinion, but it might not
            > >> plague you.
            > >>
            > >> Elizabeth
            > >> researching the descendants of William and Sarah
            (Patterson) Thompson
            > >>
            > >> ----- Original Message -----
            > > ;> From: "Mary Hagen"
            > >> To:
            > >> Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 8:49 AM
            > >> Subject: [LegacyUG] Computers
            > >>
            > >>
            > >>>I am thinking of buying a new computer, but have been
            reading in the
            > >>>archives about problems with Vista and there has been
            mention of problems
            > >>>with Dell. My old computer is a Dell about 7 years
            old and uses Windows
            > >>>XP and it works well. I am using Legecy 6, but would
            like to upgrade to
            > >>>7 when I get my new computer. I am a bit afraid to go
            ahead after
            > >>>reading some of the problems people are having. Any
            > >>> Mary
            > >
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