
I did it because I was not as astute as you to pay attention that you can sort right to left. THANK YOU! There have been so many threads about this topic and I don't think anyone has ever suggested that (or my brain wasn't working that day if someone did).

I have always entered the country (USA or otherwise) so that is not a problem for me.

You've made one happy LUGGER and maybe others that have struggled with this.

If I'm overlooking a reason not to have 5 places for some USA locations and 4 places for other USA locations, I hope someone will address this.

Thank you.

Cathy Vallevieni
Orange County, CA

, At 08:22 PM 1/30/2009, you wrote:
On 30 Jan 2009  Cathy Vallevieni wrote:

> For places that I want to know exactly the address and that I want to
> map to that exact address, I enter them in the long description as:
> City - 123 Main St, County, State, Country
> The reason for reversing the city and street address in the long
> description is so it can be found when looking at the Master
> Locations List.

Why would you reverse them when it is unnecessary?  They can be
entered in a logical sequence from smallest area to largest area
complete with comma separators (there are 9 fields for this).  Then
the Master Locations can be set to a "Direction of Sort" of "Right to
Left" so that the listing is always sorted from the largest area

I cannot understand why anyone would use the other available sorts
which are all redundant and only apply to (most but not all) USA
locations when the Right to Left sort applies worldwide (including
all USA locations).  The only problem is for those who cannot be
bothered to include the country in their locations.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada.

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