It looks like I may be reversing several hundred spouse orders in the near future. The method of using the up/down arrows when viewing the spouses works but its going to be a tedious job. I cannot understand why v7 would not be able to sort out 2 dates so one would be before the other. Same formats for dates both in acceptable styles [like 2 Sep, 1884 and 18 Jan, 1898]. The reversed names were not like this on v4. I've not yet printed out any Legacy reports in v7, only a few family group sheets in v4. Is there a method whereby I can find all the people with 2 or more spouses linked to them ? Even if its just a report, I can then find them from the printed list. Otherwise it seems there may be no way to find all the names needing reversed other than trial and error. And a new problem has been found with ONE marriage I've found [so far]....both husband and wife have their spouses listed TWICE. Its as if they divorced and then re-married each other. They didn't marry anyone but each other....and it was only once. There are not duplicate names in the Index, so I cannot delete one of them, I tried and was warned of severing relationships I did not wish to sever. This showed up after the move to v7 as its a family I visit often for references.

More ideas please....or should I re-install v7 ? We can hopefully find where the Legacy file is stored that we used for the move from v4. Meg Greenwood

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