----- Original Message ----- From: "Meg Greenwood" <scotques...@bartnet.net>

And a new problem has been found with ONE marriage I've found [so far]....both husband and wife have their spouses listed TWICE. Its as if they divorced and then re-married each other. They didn't marry anyone but each other....and it was only once. There are not duplicate names in the Index, so I cannot delete one of them, I tried and was warned of severing relationships I did not wish to sever. This showed up after the move to v7 as its a family I visit often for references.

More ideas please....or should I re-install v7 ? We can hopefully find where the Legacy file is stored that we used for the move from v4. Meg Greenwood

Sounds like you simply have a duplicate marriage. First, have you run file check/repair? If that doesn't fix it, then select one marriage and make sure all and any children are linked there, then delete the other marriage. This seems more like a database problem, which may have already been present and was magnified when you converted. Reinstalling the program will not change those problems. The warning is just to have you confirm you are doing the right thing, but to be safe you should always make a backup before those kinds of changes, then you can get back to the current situation if you screw it up.

Gary Templeman

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