
Your "private flamer" has certainly been proven out-of-line.  Please try to
ignore him.  We need people like you.  This thread has resonated on this
topic, although a few may have misread your original premise.  A number of
"LUGs" have agreed that, while database programs can be helpful in
organizing genealogical information, they are not effective at desktop
publishing.  When I was a TMG user, I was forced to conclude that TMG would
not be adequate for writing my Family History.  Perhaps if my goal were
publishing professional genealogy reports, either program would do, although
to me, both would have been a compromise.

So here's how I have been proceeding recently:  I enter the vital data and
sources into Legacy normally, add historical context, biographical and human
interest references into Event Notes with source data, now using Source
Writer to produce consistent "professional" citations.  This of course
overloads Events but gives a great Chronological feel for the ancestor's
life.  I still miss the likes of Manuscript for writing and publishing.

One of my complaints of both programs is the child-like repetitiveness of
database facts when using pre-formed sentences to create narratives.  The
Descendant reports have most of the information I want but, as written, are
deadly boring to other non-genealogist family members.  To rectify this I
save the report as a PDF file, convert it to Word format and go to work on
it to try to flesh out my ancestors' lives a bit.  Most of the content is
there - it just needs some humanizing.

At the same time I've been experimenting with presentation and storage
methods such as linking to other narratives, images, descriptions and
historical context, indexing, etc. all on the same self-contained DVD.  My
generation may soon be gone so I may never have to resort to paper! (g)

Before the nay-bobs berate me that this of off-topic, let me suggest that
this is the future of genealogy and is on-topic for us and for a company
like Millenia.  Thanks.


On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 7:27 PM, Connie Sheets <> wrote:
> Because of the intensity and frequency of private flaming that I have been
receiving from this list over the last few weeks, I will be reverting to as
close to "lurker" mode as I can muster, and am contemplating leaving the
> I have always done my best to be helpful and keep to topic.  Quite
frankly, I've been on some contentious lists and message boards and have
developed a rather thick skin, but this one takes the prize for
passive-aggressiveness.  To those who seem to have nothing better to do than
write aggressive messages to posters who innocently violate your concept of
what is appropriate:  the Legacy staff, or the polite people on the board,
will inform us if we mess up.  You don't have to do it for them.  If you
aren't interested in the subject line, the content of the first post the
thread, or the name of the poster, use the delete key thereafter.
> I deeply appreciate those of you who have helped me learn to make better
use of Legacy, and I hope in the process I have at least occasionally helped
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