It's this type of problem that keeps me from posting when I have a
problem.  After my last problem I decided if I needed future help  would
post it on the rootsweb user group.  

I think you need to forward those private flames to the list
administrator and ask for reprimand.  They have no right to contact you
without prior permission, especially with their intent and the
administrator should deal with them accordingly.

On Fri, 2009-03-27 at 16:27 -0700, Connie Sheets wrote:

> Because of the intensity and frequency of private flaming that I have been 
> receiving from this list over the last few weeks, I will be reverting to as 
> close to "lurker" mode as I can muster, and am contemplating leaving the list.
> I have always done my best to be helpful and keep to topic.  Quite frankly, 
> I've been on some contentious lists and message boards and have developed a 
> rather thick skin, but this one takes the prize for passive-aggressiveness.  
> To those who seem to have nothing better to do than write aggressive messages 
> to posters who innocently violate your concept of what is appropriate:  the 
> Legacy staff, or the polite people on the board, will inform us if we mess 
> up.  You don't have to do it for them.  If you aren't interested in the 
> subject line, the content of the first post the thread, or the name of the 
> poster, use the delete key thereafter.
> I deeply appreciate those of you who have helped me learn to make better use 
> of Legacy, and I hope in the process I have at least occasionally helped 
> others.

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