
First, thanks to you and Ron for the reminder about Ctrl+i.  I also realized 
after posting that it is not just the Subsequent Citations capability that 
would lead me to choose Sourcewriter+Override instead of Basic; it also allows 
for a properly formatted Bibliography.

I misspoke when I indicated I was seeing a difference in the handling of 
Subsequent Citations in the most recent build; I had forgotten that I had moved 
details from the "fields that disappear on subsequent citations" to a field 
that "always appears."  And _thank you_ for your 4 groupings concept; that has 
helped me tremendously in comprehending how Legacy is working and how I can 
work with the templates to get the kind of Subsequent Citations I want.

I still agree with you and Jenny that I am baffled by why the programmers would 
choose to design a system where an Override at the Master Source level makes 
the Details fields useless.  Not logical (or apparent) at all.  Perhaps there 
is some technical reason?  If that is the case, a Warning type message when one 
overrides a Master Source would be helpful.  

In any event, there are, it seems, three ways to get Subsequent Citations that 
meet my needs.  I haven't been overriding Master Sources since our conversation 
in December in the hope it was a bug that would be fixed, so this is based upon 
experimentation with only a very few of the templates. 

1.  Construct a Master Source Override with No Details (e.g. 
Artifacts>Privately held, where the one detail field available is one that 
apparently always disappears on Subsequent Citations).  This may require 
"fudging" on what goes in which field of the Master Source.

2.  If I can live with the way the Master Source itself prints in Subsequent 
Citations, move details from a field that disappears into a field that always 
appears. (No override).  Example:  Marriage records>Found in government 
records>Marriage registers>Created at county level>Online database template:  I 
moved "citing Tazewell Co. Marriages, Vol 1, p. 37" from the Credit Line field 
to the Item of Interest field, so that I now get a subsequent citation that 

Illinois Secretary of State, "Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900," 
database entry for William F. Reid - Elizabeth Holland, citing citing Tazewell 
Co. Marriages, Vol 1, p. 37 instead of

Illinois Secretary of State, "Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900," 
database entry for William F. Reid - Elizabeth Holland

3.  If I do not wish to live with the way the Master Source prints in 
Subsequent Citations _and_ I want details _and_ I can't make a Master Source 
Override alone meet my needs, then I must override at the Details level and 
check the box "Use this customized Subsequent Citation in reports."  That was 
the only way I could construct the following Subsequent Citation:

"Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900," entry for William F. Reid - 
Elizabeth Holland, citing citing Tazewell Co. Marriages, Vol 1, p. 37

As best as I can figure out, you can achieve almost any subsequent citation you 
want with method #3, though it is time-consuming if you need to use the same 
format multiple times but with many varying Details.  Using Clipboard then 
editing the Detail in the more "free-form" Detail Override screen helps a bit.

Are there other ways I haven't figured out?  (This of course only relates to 
Footnotes in narrative reports; Endnotes in such reports plus Family Group 
Sheet, Individual Reports etc. still do not have Subsequent Citation 
capability, which I assume is still a bug?  Or have we also been told that is 
also by design?)


--- On Sun, 3/29/09, Ward Walker <wnkwal...@rogers.com> wrote:

> From: Ward Walker <wnkwal...@rogers.com>
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] The effect of Master Source Overrides
> To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
> Date: Sunday, March 29, 2009, 5:06 PM
> Connie, you have answered my question about why use
> SourceWriter+Override instead of Basic:  i.e., in order to
> take advantage of the subsequent citation form. I see that
> the template called "add a generic source here" is
> not really all that generic/simple, but it appears that one
> might as well use _any_ template, when the intention is to
> override with your own free-form text.
> By 'fudge' a template, as opposed to using the
> override feature, I meant what has been previously discussed
> about using the fields of the template creatively, not
> necessarily entering what the prompts suggest. Where this
> breaks down is for certain fields that have automatic text
> or punctuation that cannot be removed/rewritten. As Jenny
> says, it would be nice to be able to use most of a template
> and only override certain fields. (At the expense of more
> complexity and potential confusion.)
> It strikes me that using the Detail Override fields would
> have the same problem as the ongoing bug with normal
> subsequent citations. Every instance of that master source,
> after the first one, will be treated as subsequent,
> regardless of which details are changing in each detailed
> citation. There is no mechanism to spell out all of the
> details when they differ significantly from the previous
> full citation.
> I think of a template-driven citation as consisting of 4
> groupings of fields:
>  - master fields that always appear
>  - master fields that disappear on subsequent citations
>  - detail fields that always appear
>  - detail fields that disappear on subsequent citations
> It's that last one that's the rub. These fields
> currently disappear on any subsequent citation of the master
> source. I want them to reappear in certain cases, as we
> discussed a few weeks ago. (The rules for such cases will be
> complicated.)
> Connie, are you now seeing a change in this aspect,
> compared to what you saw in December?
> (As for the italics, the Cntl+i method appears to work.)
>  Ward


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