Thanks Glen, that is what I wanted to know.

However, emotions DO play a part, at least in my research.  Knowing my
daughter-in-laws feelings about her biological parents vs. her adopted
parents, and the fact that she provided me a family history of her adopted
parents, I have no concern (feelings) that she would be offended by my
adding said data to my work.  If she did, I would not.

More to the point - there are "stories" in my family that were created
because of the feelings of the folks that were involved.  If I can tell
those stories without offending them (because they are now gone), it is my
belief that I can make my research more alive and interesting to other
members of my family than research consisting primarily of birth, lived,
died, buried facts only.  Each to their own, of course.

Thanks again,
Red Sanders

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of GBallard
Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 12:28 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Enter adopted parents family?


I am also adopted.  I have not found my biological family and currently do
not plan to.  I have just under 38,000 names in my database of my adopted
line.  They are my family.  The only family I have ever known.  (I was 2
days old when my adoptive parents took me home from the hospital.  

That said, this would be very much a personal choice as to adding your
daughter-in-law's adoptive family or not.  Personally I would.  I record
data and facts in a person's life.  I don't record emotions.  I try to leave
emotions out of genealogy and try to only record facts in one's life.
(Hopefully this approach will lessen the chance of hurting someone's

Glen Ballard

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