Boyd Miller wrote
I am working on a family that was entered under version but had most of the sources added after conversion to version 98.

I have run Search>Missing sources, with all the boxes checked except the Everything, Anything and ALL boxes. I get the response "No records were found that match the search criteria". However I know that there are several births, marriages and events that are not sourced, and there may be others.

I ran the same Search>Missing sources on a family entered and sourced under version 90, and it showed the list of several people with unsourced fields, which is what I had expected.

I have run file maintenance, closed and reopened the program, and rebooted with no different response to the searches. This is a very useful search if it can be made to work. Has anyone else had found this problem, have we got a bug, or am I missing something?

I find it very confusing that you keep talking about families being "entered and sourced" and then say that you expect to find missing sources. Presumably you entered *some* sources but not all, and mentioning "and sourced" serves no useful purpose here.

Anyway, I added a person to my file this morning and didn't Source the entry and it shows up in a Missing Sources search with the same criteria as you outline. Thus, I can't explain your problem but there doesn't seem to be a bug.

I must thank you, though, for allowing me to discover how many Sources are missing (quite unnecessarily!) from my file!
Jenny M Benson

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