
There are over 10,000 postings on the web if you just "Google"  them; pick
any one.  This has been going on since February of this year.  I know, I've
been paid well for my support time.  Microsoft's own Publisher Software,
that many users utilize to create simple websites, is one of the main
problems.  Any "grouped objects" and many images do not "render" in the new
IE8.  Microsoft released a Service Pack 2 for the Office product; which in
turn made them unable to open their files and in some cases severly
corrupted the files.  According to the Microsoft Support website, they are
working on another "emergency fix".

While you may be someone well versed in web page design, a lot of
individuals that are less experienced rely on packages like MS Publisher and
other easy publishing tools to help them for their non profit organizations,
church groups, etc.. because they don't have a lot of money to spend on a
professional.  One would think that the web pages would most likely not work
in any other browser other than Internet Explorer 8.0; since it's from the
same company.  BUT NO -- MS tricked us again.  These websites work in EVERY
browser other than Microsoft's.  How's that for irony.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of ronald ferguson
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 6:41 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Gedcom problem uploading to Ancestry

As someone who tests web pages in Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Bing, Safari, IE6,
IE7, and IE8 I would be grateful if you could identify the source for these
revelations, which are totally new to me.
I agree that there are some problems with IE8 but not the ones which you
identify. I have not known a browser to, nor can I see how a browser can,
destroy a web page. I would add that the only pages which do not present
correctly in IE8 are those which are either, a) badly written eg. think it's
still IE6, or b) use propriety coding. IE8 is the most standards compliant
browser which MS has produced, although it still contains one or two of the
well known, and easily avoidable, MS quirks. 

I still prefer Firefox for writing web pages, though. I would add that not
only do I write my own coding, but I also use some of the Legacy codings as
well and I have yet to have them destroyed by IE8.

Ron Ferguson


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> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Gedcom problem uploading to Ancestry
> Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 17:40:19 -0500
> You may encounter future problems uploading with any browsers. There have
> been security updates to both Firefox and IE and other browsers. You may
> want update your Firefox to at least the 3.0.13 version. Now IE 8.0 has
> many problems with rendering grouped objects and other graphics; hence, I
> would stick with a 7.x version of IE until Microsoft can work out their
> -- and the bugs in their recent "bug fix"; which destroyed many peoples
> pages they designed on their own computer.
> Anyway, all of these security updates are checking for "certificates". You
> will have to check on making Ancestry a "trusted site" or other
> if it's a certificate issue. The warning "pop-ups" display and then
> disappear very fast. I would have all other windows minimized and then
> the window with to the lower half of the page right before
> submit the upload. This way, you can see the windows error windows
> "pop-up". Sometimes they are hidden behind your browser screen and the
> "status bar" does not contain anything for them.
> Valerie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Jenny M Benson
> Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 4:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Gedcom problem uploading to Ancestry
> William Sinclair wrote
>>Problem solved I would appear to have been firefox that was the
>>problem, I suspected you wanted me to try another browser, so I tried
>>IE and it appears to have uploaded fine.
> Yes, I would definitely have suggested you try IE because one of the
> messages in the archive on this topic was from someone who found that
> trying to upload via Firefox failed.
> I have found it necessary to use Ancestry with Firefox's IE Tab because
> of difficulties with images.
> --
> Jenny M Benson
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