I have seen many post about how to document/source Census information and the different styles and to be honest I have not made up my mind and won't till I have really done enough to decide. What I have seen less discussion of and really wanted to know more of is how to others document the lines/columns in a Census or do you even bother?

1. In Legacy you have an event called Census. What others enter do and find works best and why for the related event fields?

2. How do you enter specific fields such as in the 1900 US Census like:
Relation, Color or Race, Attended School, Can Read, Can Write, Can speak English, Owner or rented home, Farm or House .. or even my favorite in the 1870 Census is "Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic.....

Do you actually type "Can Read:" then Yes or No etc.....? For each field?

Where do you put that info so it looks right and shows up.

3. Do you do anything different if they are Head of House Hold vs not?

4. If you find an occupation field do then also enter that information into a new occupation event? Same thing

This information sorta seems like source text, but that did not seem like the best place to put it so it would show up "right" in most reports.

I could see how some would even put it in two places event and source text and I don't mind doing that if that were the "best thing" How do others handle all the fields and fun details so it shows right in reports or do you just say they were listed in the Census and provide no detailed information?

More details the better.

thanks for any all suggestions


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