On Mon, 14 Sep 2009 15:50:27 -0700 (PDT), Paula Ryburn
<paula.ryb...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

>I had just loaded several old photographs gathered from cousins while on 
>vacation this summer, attaching them to all the people in the photos.
>I noticed that 3 of my images (these have been there a while; not new) had "-" 
>next to them.  Looked at Help, and it says they have a different path than the 
>standard C:\Legacy\Pictures.  But these three images are in the Pictures 
>folder.  (almost typed directory... sure would've aged me!)
>One of them is attached to a marriage, and the other two are "attached" to 
>sources.  With the first one, how can I see what the path is it thinks it is 
>I did the Customize thing where you can verify paths, and it said there were 
>no missing pictures/wrong paths.  (I forget at this moment the exact wording 
>on that one.)
>If you could point me in the right direction toward clearing up this question, 
>I would appreciate it.  I'd like to be SURE everything is pointing to the 
>Pictures folder.

What does "View Current List of Multimedia Locations" show?

Dennis Kowallek (LTools)

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