Hi Kirsten

The tags you are using for names are (as in a Legacy 7 generated gedcom 
viewed in Notepad) for example:

0 @Ixxx@ INDI
1 NAME Joe /Bloggs/
2 GIVN Joe
2 SURN Bloggs
1 NAME Joseph /Blogs/
2 GIVN Joseph
2 SURN Blogs

There may be other tags interspersed for sources etc where applicable, but 
essentially there is simply a repeat of the name, given name and surname 
tags for each name/AKA. I have looked at other gedcoms and seen only the 
level 1 NAME tag, so obviously the gedcom structure does not rely on the 
level 2 name tags to work. If you exclude the level 2 GIVN and 2 SURN tags 
then you should still get the repeat of level 1 NAME tag for each name/AKA. 
The AKA does not use a different tag from the "main" name in a gedcom file.

Cheers, Brett

----- Original Message ----- 

The usual format for an individual's page at RootsWeb WorldConnect for
records uploaded from a Legacy-created GEDCOM begins like this:

Name:  [John Quincy Jones]
Surname:  [Jones]
Given Name:  [John Quincy]

This is a useless repetition of names and clutters up the page, so I
eliminate the Surname and Given Name lines by deleting the appropriate
GEDCOM tags before creating the file.  The trouble starts again when an
individual has an aka (or 2 or 3).  For each aka I still get the same three
Name-Surname-Given Name lines.  I can't find the GEDCOM tags that cause this
in order to delete them.

Does anyone know why this happens and how to prevent it for aka's?


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